Tuesday, June 17, 2008

time is flying by and patience

Where did Monday go ????????? I came home from work had a quick supper and then went out to meet a friend that was in from Bermuda . I had a great time great friends and gelato (big size container) who can go wrong. I got home late so then just watched some TV and crashed.
So something interesting happened to me this morning. As I was getting ready for work listening to the local radio station they had a psychic on and you could call in. I tried and tried and tried nothing busy. So they broke for news and then said that the psychic would be taking calls again so I tried. Yes I got through . I asked him about my career. He said that right now the words for my career irritating and frustrating and that I felt I would like to go in and tell the boss exactly what I was thinking and use derogatory words. I said oh okay because that is all so true, not that I would do that though, just a thought. Then he said the word for me was patience and that there are job offers coming in the near future. I then mentioned I had something going on in Sept and did he see anything ??????? He said yes it will be very successful and a fun day to enjoy. I was so happy we are planning a womans show in Sept. my friend Lisa and I. It is called Me fest - a Celebration of you. If you are in the Kitchener area Sept. 13, 2008. Our very first one!!!!!!! I am so excited for it and the psychic made my day and I had a little lift in my step today.
I havent done any cleaning but I really need to go and at the very least do the dishes.
So that is what I am off to do. I only have 8 more days of work till summer then I will get myself into a regular routine .
Have a terrific Tuesday

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