Monday, July 14, 2008

going green

Hi everyone I have read " Green This" okay lets be honest I read all of them in one night.
I am going to blog about all the great tips I learnt along the way and made note of hopefully
some of these will be able to help others.
First lets say after reading this book I am not a fan of any cleaning products anymore with all the side effects they list for each cleaner. They basically recommend you use these products instead
baking soda, vinegar, and lemon juice for cleaning.
They say to start small when going green first to buy a green all purpose cleaner and green window cleaner so that is where I will start. Still check the labels though they recommend.
The one thing they said that made so much sense to me was why when you use products to clean are you coughing and end up having rashes on your hands. That happens to me but I never really thought about it much.
They break it down room by room and give you ideas you can use . I will share what I found useful through out the week.
I went to the library and I have another green book too!!!!
The ironic thing was the library has a kids program and they give you things to do each week depending which square you land on . Angel's for this week is go a little greener. I had to laugh and showed the librarian the book I was taking out.
So 3 new books to read.
Angel got out the egyptian dvds and shakespearean books. Yes she is only 10 but loves to read
kids shakespeare. She has already read Romeo and Juliet ! Oh and she took out a kids book on going green too so we will have to compare notes.
Well off to have lunch stay tuned for some great tips.

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