Thursday, February 26, 2009

One thing leads to another.....

Well today I checked email and phone msgs as soon as I got home from work. We need to with the number of emails we are getting in daily asking about a spot for our up and coming Spring Me Fest Show on April 4.
Here is where one thing lead to another. I was talking to a friend on the phone and noticed my kitchen floor had become quite grey again ! It is suppose to be white!!!!!!! So I thought while I was talking to this friend I would take out my handy dandy trustworthy Mr. Clean Sponge and hand scrub my whole kitchen floor. So I did that and it looks so white again !!!!!!!!!!! But when I was putting back the Mr. Clean Sponge marked cleaning floors only just incase you were wondering. I found the baking soda I have been looking for 2 days. I quickly took it out and cleaned my kitchen sink drain with it. It has been acting up for a few days. Yes all done it worked ! Then I went to make supper and started making supper only to realize yikes the kitchen counters were piled high with dishes!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So I unloaded the little that was in the dishwasher and reloaded it up. The counter then was dirty so had to wipe that down too. Then I cooked supper . After cooking supper noticed the stove was dirty too so wiped all of that down.
Then I thought I would take a break and check emails make a blog post. But I really want to shine my sink and sweep up some crumbs I noticed after doing all of the cleaning.
Will it ever stop. I feel like the book If you give a mouse a cookie ? If you dont know the book one thing leads to another leads to another!!!!
I put off doing Thurs chore which is to do my daughter's laundry and will do that tomorrow. I think I have done almost enough.
Tonight I am working on Me Fest most of our tables are spoken for so have to up date the list to see how many tables we have left for inquiries. I also have to send out reminders of people who were thinking about a spot because like I said there really arent many left.
I am so excited to be doing Me Fest again and soon will go out shopping for a new outfit for me to wear!!!!!
Well that is my big up date for today!!!!!!!!!! If you stuck with me thanks !!!!!!!! ;)

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